The need for support
The majority of the work conducted by the Barthel Lab is funded through grants either from private foundations or the federal government. While this sponsorship is critically important, particularly for ongoing research and clinical studies, it is poorly suited for initiating new projects and encouraging the evaluation of early ideas, exactly the kind of potential breakthrough research that the Barthel Lab promotes.
What you can do
If you share our vision of the future of medicine, we encourage you to work with us to make it a reality. The Development Office of Brigham and Women’s Hospital provides ways for foundations, groups, and individuals to donate vital funding to directly support the Barthel Lab and our mission. You can make a donation to the lab by using our online donation form (Online Donation Form). Please Note: When completing the form, choose “Other” where it asks how you would like your gift to be used and type “BARTHEL LAB” in the text box. In addition, you can specify whether your gift is in honor or memory of someone special.